Lots of things have changed in the last few years, but my work with Synergy and our focus on spiritual awareness is as active as always!
I've been writing and teaching while we were grounded. We've continued our work via the internet and I've taught a lot of classes via Zoom. We've had a lot of fun and we all learned a lot. The classes also helped each of us get through the months of isolation.
We all liked them so much that the classes are ongoing. You can check our catalog on this website to see what is available now!
We start traveling again this summer!
Catch us in Connecticut in August or in Sedona in November.
We'll be in the Memphis area next Spring and back to Maine sooner, rather than later. :-D
"Synergy Energy" goes out into the world LIVE via the Earth's energy grids every Wednesday and Thursday evening, from 6:45pm to 10pm, Mountain Standard time. Join us in spirit!
Of course, you can "tune in" to Synergy anytime. :-D
I've been writing and re-writing blog posts, I've pulled some of the old ones to update... and have been working on getting new ones up soon so be sure to check back regularly!
Until we meet again in person... Don't just look for the blessing, BE the blessing!
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