About Blue Star Traders
Welcome to the Blue Star Traders - "Synergy Crystal Skulls" online store!

We've been on eBay since 1998 and are Top Rated Powersellers. We know some people aren't familiar or comfortable with the eBay format, so we expanded our inventory and have items available here!
We offer unique crystal skulls and other crystals and minerals that are all ethically sourced and carved.
All are charged with the subtle energy of the ancient crystal skull known as Synergy. Most of them spend months, if not years with Synergy.
We are a mother and daughter team - just the two of us - so you always know who you will be dealing with: Sherry or Jaimee. We are devoted to upholding the integrity and spiritual values of Synergy.
We pick all of our stones by energy first and ALL of our crystals and stones are charged with subtle energy by the ancient crystal skull known as Synergy! Sherry is the current "Keeper" of Synergy and in this way, shares its subtle energies.
International Customers: The payment of any Customs duties, local taxes, or other fees upon receipt vary from country to country and are the sole responsibility the buyer. We will not process a refund for refused shipments.
We strive to make your experience with us a good one, so if you have any questions or concerns please just send us an e-mail at
If you want to know a little more about us before you purchase something, let Sherry explain a little about her 45+ years of experience in picking out crystals and minerals:
I have always been reluctant to talk about myself and what I do, because it is very different. Being different can be great and it can also be isolating. Over my lifetime, I learned how to deal with being different. Sometimes it's a pain and other times, it's a gift, like so many things in life.
I see subtle energies. I didn’t do anything to make this happen - it’s just the way I am. I do have a traumatic brain injury, and possibly that has contributed to my abilities, but certain "sixth sense" abilities do run strongly in my family, on both sides.
Among other things, like auras and spirits, I can see the energy that goes between Synergy and various skulls. It is very interesting. Synergy sends out an energy to the various skulls and other stones and it fills them and seems to change them; the original energy is there, but it is added to. This happens with any stone or crystal that is carved or mined with care, so that it's inner energy matrix is not broken.
I've been buying, trading and selling crystals and minerals since 1976. I have owned a total of 7 gift galleries and each had an extensive crystal and mineral section. Because of that, I've built up a lot of contacts in the business and I see most of what's 'out there.'
I couldn't count the hours I've spent sitting on the floor somewhere, going through flats of specimens, or crawling through a mine tunnel to see a new find... or balancing on rocks, my head in a barrel, looking through 50 gallon drums of rough material.
I am attracted to stones that have a lot of energy. If they are not intense, I don't buy them. Lots of people feel energy. They know when they have an intense piece. You will know I am not bluffing when you experience one that I have picked out.
I'd never had much interest in crystal skulls, specifically, before the ancient crystal skull, known as Synergy, came into my life in 2001.
I didn't want it, but it picked me (but that's another story!)
As I waited to see what it wanted me to do with it, I slowly became intrigued. Then I met the tribe that it had originally come from, and it's twin... and boy did things began in earnest!
Over the next couple of years, more contemporary carved skulls seemed to come my way, and soon, I had over 500 of them. I thought that was hilarious and I wasn't sure what I was going to do with them. I didn't have a business with customers who would want to buy a skull shaped stone. However, I decided to keep a few to 'play with' and sell the rest of them to people who came to meet Synergy or were interested.
It turned out that I could have sold 10 times what I had that first week, and so I went in search of someone who could make some more for me. I talked with several of my long time vendors who own mines in South America, Nepal, Madagascar, Asia and elsewhere. They said they'd see that they could come up with for me. It took awhile to get the quality that I want, but now I am able to get some neat stuff! (And they are NOT carved by children - that practice disgusts me.) ALL of our crystal skulls and other items are ethically sourced and carved.
I've seen and handled hundreds of thousands of small crystal skulls, looking for the ones with an intact energy matrix and that are carved in a way that preserves their subtle energies. I especially like the Himalayan quartz skulls with rainbows, but I love anything that is intense.
As I said, I've bought sold and traded "rocks" and other things for over 45 years now. I'm well known as a buyer and as a 'high-grader' or 'cherry-picker.' That's slang for someone who goes through everything a vendor has and then methodically picks out their best. 'Best' is an opinion, of course. What 'best' means is specific to whatever you are buying. The 'Best' to me as far as skulls go means the energy is intense, the stone is nice looking and the carving is good. In one way or another, I've made my living with 'my eye' all of my life and that has served me well. None of us can see precisely what another person sees, so I can only guess why my 'eye' has been so valuable to myself and others.
(I still feel strange about talking about how I have 'an eye' and what a good buyer I am - it sounds so pompous... All I can say in my defense is that my record speaks for itself.)
OK, enough of that. I hope this helps lay the ground work to explain that we don't just have a few generic crystal skulls! Each one is special to us - and we want them to go to people who will enjoy their time together.
Most of you will be dealing with Jaimee, as she runs the day to day business now. Jaimee has been learning about her own gifts and abilities since birth - and especially in the last 18 years working side by side with Sherry.
Jaimee and Sherry are currently co-writing a book meant to be a Field Guide for Traditional Crystal Healers. Sherry's been collecting information since about 1973 from elders and old-timers working with crystals. Jaimee has been helping add to it and get it into a compact, searchable format.
Please check out Sherry's Blog about crystal skulls and other topics about spirituality!