This is a fabulous Amethyst crystal skull with a rich, grape purple, coloring and Phantoms running up the back of the head. High quality! Shown next to a US quarter coin for size comparison. There are both high clarity areas, and intricate inclusions/patterns for contrast. It has rainbows and other shimmery areas catch the light as you move the stone around in your hands. (Especially in bright sunlight.)
There are a few tiny organic spots here and there. These come from inclusions that were close to the surface as the stone was polished. ALL inclusions present come from 100% natural formations in the crystal. Much nicer than the photos can show! Check out how it works with subtle energies below.
It weighs about 5.2oz and measures about 59mm (2 5/16" inches) long X 40mm (just over 1 1/2" inches) tall. Code22159
Rainbows in Crystals aka Rainbow crystals. These are said to be able to manifest some of the purest energies on the physical plane and assist in raising one's spiritual vibrations. It is thought that they may assist one in moving through negativity.
They have long been thought to be very helpful in achieving Lucid Dreaming, and are also used in other types of dream work, as they are said to bring about spiritual understanding and clarity to dreams.
They are also used to help manifest, and become aware of, the true meaning of one's "waking dreams."
The Rainbows are believed to assist one in knowing what is appropriate to focus on manifesting.
Rainbow crystals are used during meditation and divination.
They remind us to enjoy and appreciate living in the present moment.
They are associated with the Third Eye.
Amethyst is a stabilizing energy, thought to assist in learning to trust your connection to the Divine and acknowledge the Guidance received.
It brings calm, inner peace, courage and balance. In this way, it can be useful in divination.
It also supports and assists in stopping self abuse. It has often been used as protection for travelers.
Amethyst is also associated with Angels and is an excellent stone for meditation or dream work and past life work. It has been used to protect against psychic attacks, but is not as effective alone, as when used with other protection stones.
Amethyst has also been used to help ease the pain of grief. It is reputed to be useful when working through money issues and legal problems.
It’s also been called a stone of prosperity and abundance.
In Crystal Healing, Amethyst is said to beneficial when overcoming any kind of addiction, compulsive behaviors and OCD.
It is associated with the Third Eye and Crown Chakra.
Phantom Crystals are associated with the awareness of how all life is connected. It’s been used to assist in clairvoyance. Polished and unpolished specimens are both excellent. Polishing often brings out the beauty in the crystal and instills appreciation for the hidden or the past. This is a crystal often used when seeking answers about Past Life connections. It’s said that a phantom crystal can also be used to help a person to meet their spiritual guide or Angel. Some Healers have used them to help with hearing disorders.
Native legends speak of crystal skulls as an inheritance from ancient times. Said to “talk and sing” they are believed to carry messages for all mankind, including what may be discovered when we overcome our fear of death.