This is a beautiful XL Peruvian GREEN Opal singing crystal skull. Shown next to a US quarter coin for size comparison. It has a soft but bright green coloring accented with beautiful larger metallic gold PYRITE inclusions ALL throughout.
Tiny organic spots are present here and there from inclusions that were close to the surface as the stone was carved and polished. They may resemble pinpricks, tiny indents, or fine lines on the surface. ALL inclusions present are 100% natural parts of the stone.
It weighs about 1lb 1.6oz and measures about 3 3/8" inches long by just over 2 1/2" inches tall. Code-021525-22280
Green Opal is particularly good for getting in touch with one's emotions. It can be useful for increasing understanding in difficult situations, allowing us to examine things from another point of view; helping us to see what it would be like to “walk a mile in their shoes.”
In Crystal Healing, Green Opal is used for Parkinson's disease, easing emotional distress, liver, kidney, and issues with the ovaries and testicles.
It is associated with the Heart Chakra.
Pyrite aka "Fools Gold," Brass, and Brazzle - Pyrite is felt to support the capabilities of self-awareness, emotional stability, and courage, therefore also supporting the development of wisdom.
It is thought to be THE "Stone of Business" and is commonly used to promote and support a stable and successful business and or career.
It is a stone of the intellect, used to enhance mental clarity and logic, as well as boost psychic abilities.
Pyrite is a powerful protection stone and is a grounding stone. It is used for afford protection, and to strengthen the shielding of the physical, emotional and subtle energies, aka strengthening the "eggshell."
It is said to attract and balance Male energies; implying that it may a good stone when taking an action is what is needed.
Some Native Americans believed that pyrite "mirrors" allowed you to see inside the soul.
Pyrite is also known as Fool's Gold and Healer's Gold and is thought to promote good investments.
In Crystal Healing, it has been considered useful to balance the immune system and for digestive and other stomach and intestinal issues.
It is associated with the Third, or Solar Plexus Chakra.
Native legends speak of crystal skulls as an inheritance from ancient times. Said to “talk and sing” they are believed to carry messages for all mankind, including what may be discovered when we overcome our fear of death.