This is a LAPIS LAZULI Alien / ET / Star Being crystal skull with LABRADORITE inlaid in the eyes. Shown next to a US quarter coin for size comparison. I just found this one hiding out on the back of a shelf, and it is ready to go out into the world! It has interesting patterns throughout with bright blue Lapis mixed with white/grey-ish Calcite, hints of green, and flecks of metallic gold Pyrite. The Labradorite used in the eyes comes from Madagascar. The flash in both of the eyes is a mixture of pale green, blue, and gold and shows up from different angles as you move the stone around in your hands.
There are a few tiny organic spots here and there. They come from inclusions that were close to the surface as the stone was shaped and polished. ALL inclusions present (inside and on the surface) are 100% natural parts of the stone. It is much nicer 'in person', I guarantee it. Check out how it works with subtle energies below.
It weighs about 4.8oz and measures approximately 47mm (1 7/8" inches) tall X 45mm (1 3/4" inches) long (front to back). Code-22226
Lapis Lazuli aka Lapis has been used for millennia to tap into one's inner power and self-confidence, as well as increasing psychic abilities. It is also a stone commonly used to help to connect and contact one's Guides.
Lapis helps to protect from psychic attacks with its high frequency; it must be very close, or better yet, be touching the body while a person is clearing and building up their energy field.
It is a perfect stone for divination and meditation, as it is useful for gaining clarity with a peaceful and neutral perception: especially with emotional issues. The frequency of Lapis promotes truthfulness and openness, and is thought to help one to say just the right thing, as if by magic, at the perfect time.
It's also considered to be a stone of manifestation, helping one to understand more fully what it is in life you want and what to focus on manifesting, in order to achieve one's goals and spiritual purpose.
Lapis is a stone of spiritual love, also known for supporting the love and fidelity within a marriage. It is a powerful stone that aids in comprehension and insight into one's self and insight into one's dreams. It is good for balancing polarity and the male/female energies.
Lapis is a stone that has traditionally been reserved for royalty.
In Crystal Healing, Lapis is used to boost the immune system and help with sinus problems, as well as with depression. It's considered to promote strengthening of the mind and body.
It is associated with the Throat Chakra and Third Eye.
Labradorite is a powerful stone, said to help you to "remember the magical and mystical," and to increase one's intuition, aiding in spiritual, as well as, psychic development. It can be useful in divination, on a variety of levels.
It also aids in dream recall and helps one to work with the 'waking dream' in everyday life.
It is considered to be a "Stone of Transformation" as well as the "Mystic's Stone."
It has been used extensively to work with Nature Spirits, (also called Devas, Nature Spirits or the Fairy / Faerie kingdom.)
Labradorite is often used for protection, as it discourages energy vampires from tapping into your energy and draining you. If you are very sensitive and are uncomfortable in social settings, or large gatherings or events and want to help keep from feeling energetically drained then try wearing a piece of Labradorite. Touching the skin is ideal, but a piece placed in your pocket or a medicine pouch can be helpful, as well.
Labradorite has a high Feldspar content; feldspar is a component of almost all stones that strongly discourage energy vampires.
Some Indigenous healers use it to give clarity and insight - often so they can understand their destiny within a situation. It's also used to attract success, in whatever context success is meant.
In Crystal Healing, Labradorite is used in treating eye and brain disorders and to help regulate metabolism and all digestive processes.
It is associated with the Solar Plexus (Third) Chakra and the (Sixth) Third Eye Chakra.
Native legends speak of crystal skulls as an inheritance from ancient times. Said to “talk and sing” they are believed to carry messages for all mankind, including what may be discovered when we overcome our fear of death.