This is an Extra Large Ruby in Fuchsite crystal skull. Shown next to a US quarter coin for size comparison. It has complex patterns and different physical textures here and there from the Ruby crystal inclusions. Really neat! The background has minty greens, and blue-greens (the Fuchsite), with rich dark pink/red (the Ruby), and white/cream accents. The Ruby crystals fluoresce bright pink under a long wave UV light.
Some areas of blue are visible around the edges of some of the Ruby inclusions. This characteristic is called an "alteration rim" or "halo" and is a key visual indicator of Ruby in Fuchsite. It comes from a small amount of Blue Kyanite being present in the stone. Ruby in Zoisite does NOT have this characteristic. This piece is 100% Ruby in Fuchsite, NOT Ruby in Zoisite, and was identified by a geologist for extra certainty. :-> (Often misspelled as "Fuschite".) Shimmery areas catch the light here and there as you move the stone around in your hands. Best seen in direct sunlight, or under a bright and focused light indoors.
You can feel a few subtle organic inclusions as you run your fingers over the stone. Including several areas in/around Ruby inclusions, among other places. ALL inclusions present come from 100% natural parts of the stone. I inspect each piece very carefully before photographing it. A very special addition to any collection! Check out how it works with subtle energies below.
It weighs about 14oz (just a bit under 1lb) and measures approx. 83mm / 3 1/4" inches long X 55mm / 2 1/8" inches tall. Code-021925-22294
Ruby is known as the "Stone of Vitality” and the “Stone of Integrity" and is used to maintain a strong life force, and bestow lots of physical energy. It is thought to assist in reducing anger and frustration, especially when you are extremely tired.
Ruby is used to support spiritual awareness, and sharpen ones intuition.
Rubies have also been worn to boost creative expression, and inspiration.
It is a stone for love, passion, and true friendship.
Rubies have long been worn by people in power, and leadership roles; it was felt to attract prosperity and economic stability.
It is a stone of psychic protection, protection of the home, material possessions, and children.
It is a stone associated with the signs of Scorpio and Cancer.
In Crystal Healing it is thought to promote an overall healing of the mind, body and spirit, chronic fatigue and to increase energy levels. It's been used with issues concerning the brain, ulcers, back and spine, and sexuality.
It is associated with the Heart and Root Chakras.
Fuchsite is a light bluish -greenish stone, which may serve as a matrix for ruby crystals to grow in. It is a very powerful stone, used to access the higher planes in order to retrieve information – especially information about healing energies. It is also used to revitalize the physical and emotional bodies.
It is also a stone of diplomats, said to promote compassion, constructive communication, diplomacy, discretion and a degree of finesse. The stone is associated with the planet Venus aids the imagination, creativity and fosters an appreciation for beauty.
In Crystal Healing, it is used to reduce stress and promote a general healing.
It is associated with the Throat and sometimes the Heart Chakras.
Kyanite comes in a number of colors, but the most common color is blue. It supports and aids the attunement of the physical, emotional and etheric bodies. It is a powerful stone that also helps to align the Chakras naturally. Kyanite also facilitates meditation.
It is also a protective stone and does this by assisting in keeping the subtle energies moving and flowing freely and quickly from Crown to Root Chakra, helping to keep it free of entities. The movement also makes it harder for "psychic vampires" to latch on and drain you.
Kyanite is one of the best stones to carry, as well as include in your protection bags, grids, etc because it does cause the subtle energy bodies to move. I highly recommend it.
This is one of the very few stones that only rarely needs to be cleared. Notice I did not say never - I said rarely!
In Crystal Healing Blue Kyanite is used in conjunction with almost any other stone, in order to keep the subtle energies moving in a healthy manner, during the healing process.
It is associated with the Throat and Third Eye Chakras, but may also be used with any Chakra.
Blue Kyanite strongly effects the Throat and Third Eye Chakras.
Native legends speak of crystal skulls as an inheritance from ancient times. Said to “talk and sing” they are believed to carry messages for all mankind, including what may be discovered when we overcome our fear of death.